Babbling Belle

and Her Marauding Muses

It’s dark outside, the house is quiet, and by all rights, I should be sleeping. I should be tucked safely away in my bed, my thoughts carrying me away to the Land of Nod. Nevertheless, I am awake.

When the world around me sleep and the stars come to shine is when I am the most whimsical, the most imaginative and the most melancholy. Not because I am depressed that I cannot sleep, but because the world I live in is not the world I want to live in.

I dive and consume books and stories with such abandon in a futile attempt to float away from this world.
This world of constant arguments, aggression, and the overwhelming need to “survive.” I don’t want to just survive. I want to live and dream and love.

In fiction, the worlddoesn’t revolve around your job, politics, or money. Fiction is about living. Deep, passionate love that no longer exists in the real world. The kind of love that is all consuming. The kind of love that people are willing to die for. That they have died for. The love so deep and so powerful that the only thing that matters is spending just one second with that special person. To hold them, protect them, and care for them.

In the real world people no longer love that way. They marry because it is expected. Because it is convenient. They delude themselves into thinking thatthey truly love their partner when in actuality their partner is just the best they have found. So many people in the real world marry and get divorced, or marry but loose the passion. They become so focused on being the married couple, of paying bills, that the love is lost.

When someone writes about the deep true love, people in the real world mock it. They roll their eyes and say it’s pathetic or sad. But the truth is the world is sad.

I read to escape, to live in a world that I wish could be real.
Where I am that girl who doesn’t need to work, eat, or sleep. That I can exist in this far off world, where living is living life, not just surviving. Myfavorite kind of photos show a glimpse of the world I wish I could live in. Nothing exists but each moment as it happens. No one worries about deadlines, due dates, jobs, bills, or gas. There is no war, disease, and famine. Each moment is perfect and peaceful.

At night, when all the world sleeps, I lay in the dark of my room with my headphones on. I play songs whose lyrics speak to this magical place of freedom. I close my eyes and I daydream of this wonderful peaceful world I want to live in. And in that place is a boy who lives only to love me. Who would sacrifice anything for me and I for him. There is nothing but perfect and beautiful forests and calm sunny fields. There is no rush, no hustle and bustle.

There is only serenity and us.


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About This Madness

Welcome to Babbling Belle and Her Marauding Muses! I'm Babbling Belle and my Muses Marauder...
I am full of contradictions, random thoughts that often border on philosophical, and a very corny sense of humor. This blog will be a compilation of all my randomness.
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