Babbling Belle

and Her Marauding Muses

I decided to start a blog when I removed myself from Facebook. I got tired of listening to everyone's bullshit on Facebook. It ended up being filled with nothing but negativity and turned very depressing and annoying fast. I wanted to start a blog not because I want friends from Facebook to keep up with me, but rather as a way to practice my writing. It doesn't matter to me if someone reads this or not. So I will be happy with even 1 reader or 1 follower.

Obviously, since this is a blog, I will be using the first person and while normally I try to avoid conjunctions in my professional writing, I will use them here. I don't want to sound to pretentious by saying things like "I do not want to sound too pretentious," or "I do not care..." So while my goal is to practice my writing, don't be surprised if it is a bit more relaxed and informal than my professional writing. I may or may not post pieces of those writings here on this blog. Writing in any form or type will help improve writing in general.

For the most part however, I will be writing here in my blog all the things that I think about during the day that I try not to say in order to not offend people or that i keep inside so I don't end up in arguments and fights with people. I also will probably be posting rants about all the things people do wrong or how they frustrate me.

This is a warning to my friends that have decided to weasel the address to my blog from me: if I post something here that is negative or seems like a rant about YOU then please read at your own risk. Mostly I write those things to get everything out and after I am done I feel better and no longer care about whatever it is that angered or frustrated me in the first place. I am not going to censor or edit my blog in order to not hurt your feelings. It is your choice to follow this blog if you don't like it, don't read it.

Essentially this blog will be full of Geek Culture, Social Commentary (including my views on "hot button issues"), Movie/Tv/Book reviews, some video game reviews/rants, and lots of posts about Sci-Fi and Fantasy. I am a Literature major and I love Sci-Fi shows, action movies, and I have a deep fondness of Teen Fantasy Novels. Yes that does include Paranormal Romances like Twilight.

So without further ado, I feel like now is the appropriate time to introduce myself. This part seems a bit redundant to me since the only people who are likely to read this are my friends who again have weaseled out the address from me. <3 You guys! :D

Rather than try to describe myself, which makes me feel awkward, I will instead post a second post with one of those long chain email question things, that my high school friends used to send me every other week. I will be also posting an entry about Hypersomnia, which I only found out about 2 months ago that I suffer from. Hypersomnia is very important to understand in order to understand my past and me as a person.



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About This Madness

Welcome to Babbling Belle and Her Marauding Muses! I'm Babbling Belle and my Muses Marauder...
I am full of contradictions, random thoughts that often border on philosophical, and a very corny sense of humor. This blog will be a compilation of all my randomness.
Enter at your own risk... mean friends...

Past Ramblings
