Babbling Belle

and Her Marauding Muses

NOTE: In case you are wondering why I stopped at question 66 when I said in the first post I would go to 100, I stopped at 66 because my favorite/lucky number is 6. 6 is too short of a number for this kind of questionnaire/icebreaker so I stopped at 66. Especially since I am a big talker and many of my answers are more like paragraphs or individual posts than short answers. 100 questions of me babbling would be beyond ridiculous!

1. How do you define honesty?
     Good first question! This is very big for me. Honesty is the MOST important thing to me. If you tell me you are going to do something, be somewhere, whatever and you don’t, that is a deal breaker for me. I won’t trust you very much anymore, and I will always be wary of you. I think you should ALWAYS tell the truth. It’s a matter of HOW you tell the truth that matters. For instance, if you see your friend’s boyfriend cheating on her, you tell her. However, you don’t go “omg you wont believe what I just saw!” you have to be sensitive. Being honest and being considerate are not mutually exclusive. If you want to tell someone that something they do or say bothers you then do it! Just remember “I feel…” goes a long way. People can’t get mad at you for how you feel. I think “drama” happens a lot of the time because of simple misunderstandings and that if people were upfront and honest about things everyone would be much happier. “You Lie, You Die!” is what it comes down to with me. You lie to me and your dead to me…you can’t come back after a lie.

2. What is your biggest fear or worry? 
     I really don’t have any “big” fears or worries. I try not to stress out about things. I am not always successful however. Usually I do stress at first about things that many people would find ridiculous to be stressing over. For instance, I’m a big planner. I have to plan everything out in little details and space my time accordingly. If something unexpected happens I stress and go “omg, now what am I going to do? Why are they doing this? This is stupid!” etc. I tend to get angry at whoever has caused the change in my timeline. But then, after a little while I take a deep breath and go “okay, I can do this” and then I re-plan and re-schedule and get what needs to get done, done. My first reaction is usually one of stress but it doesn’t last for very long.

3. What is the main thing that makes you unique?
     Nothing. I have too many things happening all the time that make me unique. I’m just me. That’s it.

4. What is the oldest item you own? 
     A US history school textbook from a great, great, great aunt or grandmother (now I can’t remember which) dated from the 1850’s. For those that don’t know your own US history that was before the Civil War!

5. If someone was to give you one gift, money is no object, what would you want to receive?
     A trip around the world and a new Nikon SLR with a super long zoom.

6. What does it mean to have courage? 
     To do something you are afraid of doing because you know it to be the right thing to do. Doing something that you know can end badly for you mentally, emotionally, or physically because you know it is the right thing to do.

7. Do you have a nickname? What is it? 
     My dad has only ever called me “Baby-Girl.” I can’t even remember the last time he called me by my first name. Ever. I literally don’t remember what my name sounds like in his voice! I also have Mel that my friends called me when I was younger. Hardly anyone ever does anymore though.

8. If you could have any special magic, what would it be? 
     I would want to be able to do all sorts of different things like in Harry Potter but without a wand and without having to say the name of the spell. But more like Warlocks in Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instrument series.

9. If you had three wishes, what would you wish? 
     I would wish for the end of needless suffering from corruption and disease. 1 Billion dollars so I can have fun, travel the world, and start and/or help charities as I wish. I would also wish for 10 million dollars for my brother and parents as well as 5 million for each of the people that have impacted my life or are my friends. That would include the family that I have worked as a babysitter/nanny for 11 years the Hawkins, my friends from "The VanCougar," my favorite professors and teachers, as well as my Uncle Robby who has served our country in the Air Force for many years.

10. What is your greatest strength? 
     I think my honesty and loyalty are my greatest strengths. As I said earlier, honesty is number one for me. However, loyalty is also number one for me too. If you are my friend I got your back 110% no questions asked. Whatever you need I will give it or help you. I’ll drop everything if you need me, at any time, no matter what. I expect the same from my friends as well.

11. What is your worst weakness? 
     I often have a hard time understanding some people in certain situations. I often think that some things are “common sense” but really they are not. My mother and I are both the same type of personality in a lot of ways. We are HUGE organizers and planners. To me list making, micro-scheduling, and other type A personality quirks are common sense. When people do not do this I can’t understand it and often get frustrated with them. For instance my schoolwork is labeled and organized both in my backpack (via binders, binder tabs, separate notebooks per subject) and on my computer (separate folders for each thing; “School > Summer 2011 > Class Name”). When people just throw their graded papers into their bag I cringe. When they have dozens of icons on the desktop and can never find a file I cringe. I don’t understand that way of thinking. It drives me crazy! I get very frustrated when people keep doing it. I have a big problem of letting frustration become anger or irritability and I am trying to work on not letting that happen. I need to stop being such a control-freak but it is hardwired into my DNA and brain from 4 generations on both sides of my family of control-freaks!

12. If you could predict the future, what would you do with that knowledge? 
     Nothing. Every Sci-Fi fan knows that there is no point in predicting the future as it always changes with each decision everyone makes every day. Even if you were to tell someone something in order to save his or her life etc., it wouldn’t work. Eventually, what was going to happen will happen. See “Final Destination” series for one example from the Horror/Thriller movie genre. See various “Stargate SG-1” episodes as well as “Stargate: Ark of Truth” and “Stargate: Continuum” for Sci-Fi references. Also see various Star Trek episodes from all Star Trek series and “Star Trek: Generations” for more well-known Sci-Fi examples.

13. Where do you see yourself in 20 years? 
     In 20 years I will be 43 years old. I hope that I have had a successful career and had the opportunity to travel the country and world. Around 40 is when I am thinking that if I am ever to have kids is when I will. I don’t think I will be able to carry my own child myself due to my medications that treat my Hypersomnia (see my post “Hypersomnia” for more info.). But I hope around 40 that I settle down and either get a surrogate to have my own child by blood or adopt one. I have said for as long as I can remember that I want to adopt at least 1 child. I didn’t know when I started to say that, but my mother recently told me that I started saying that at age 5.

14. What do you do when you first wake up in the morning? 
     Curse that it’s morning and roll over to go back to sleep. Then usually I end up getting up a few minutes later due to my cat, Ninja, crying because she either made her litter box stinky and wants it changed (yes my cat hates the smell of her own crap and will cry and bug you until you change it EVERY TIME SHE GOES) or she is crying because she wants food.

15. What would your tombstone say? 

Babbling Belle 
Buried Alive 

16. How would you describe standing on a beach looking at the ocean? 
     Perfect Heaven, but only if it’s a Washington State Beach. Cloudy or sunny it doesn’t matter. I need the ocean!

17. What is your favorite outfit to wear? 
     I like to wear comfy, dark blue, boot cut jeans, a geeky t-shirt with a lightweight hoodie with converse, skater shoes (flat bottoms), or Sketcher’s Boots. I’m more of a “whatever is clean and comfortable” girl than the “fashionista.” I like to wear layers because I get hot easily so I usually still wear only hoodies (although I do increase thickness) even in the winter. I prefer zip up hoodies if they are plain but pull overs if there is a design.

18. What do you do when you are driving alone in a car? 
     Listen to music! I dance in my seat at stoplights too. :D

19. If a friend is being bullied or harassed by someone, what do you do?
     Protect them and stand up for them. Call out the person doing it and tell them to shut the fuck up.

20. If you could become anyone's friend that you want, whom would you choose?
     Johnathan Hillstrand from the F/V Time Bandit on "Deadliest Catch." He seems so cool and I think he would be a blast to hang out with! I also would love to hang out with David Hewlett from "Stargate SG-1/Atlantis."  He is a riot and I would totally love to hang out with him all the time!

21. If you could travel to space, would you go? 
     Without question! I wouldn’t even hesitate! There is nothing greater than to be able to go into space and see into the past, future, and infinity. I want to be able to look down at our little blue marble. The problem would be getting me back down to Earth, I’d just want to stay up there floating forever!

22. Would you want to travel the world on a boat in the sea? 
     If it was a pirate ship! That would be my childhood dream come true!

23. Describe your favorite vacation. 
     Well the only time we really go on a “typical family vacation” is when we go to Disneyland. We do day trips to the beach or Seattle but most of our “vacations” are spent at home usually doing things we never have time to do normally like landscaping or deep cleaning the house or something. I want to travel more and go other places besides Disneyland. I LOVE Disney and Disneyland but I have been there 5 times and there is so much more to this country and this world than Disneyland! I want to see it! I would rather do the touristy sight-seeing and museums in places like New York, Washington DC, London, and Rome than go to Disneyland again.

24. Is competition good for you?
     Not usually. I mean, competition is a great motivator, but I think competition can get a little too heated and I don’t like the type of bitchy person I can get to become when competition gets really serious.

25. If you could study anything you wanted in school, what would you want to learn more about?  
     EVERYTHING! If I had an infinite amount of money without ever having to work at a job, all I would do is travel, shop for electronics/geek toys, and go to school. My dream “job” would be to be a professional student. :P I would love to get degrees (at least B.A.s) in Anthropology, Archaeology, Astronomy, Physics, Graphic Design, Sociology, Linguistics, Japanese, Asian Culture, USA History, European History, Classical History (Roman and Greek eras), Classical Mythology, Latin, Egyptology, Medieval History, Theology, Astro-Physics, Engineering, Mathematics, and whatever else strikes my fancy! But the specific one’s listed would be first on my list, although not necessarily in that specific order.

26. If you could pick any career, what would you want to be?
     Well if we are dreaming, professional student/explorer. Essentially I want to be like a mix between Indiana Jones, Dr. Daniel Jackson (yes I know Jones and Jackson are essentially the same person), Dr. Rodney McKay, and John Sheppard. Why John Sheppard? Because I want to be as kick ass as him! I want to be able to shoot like him, and have his fighting skills and military training. Hell if we’re dreaming I’ll just be a cross between all those people and live in Atlantis in the Pegasus Universe where I can be a member of Sheppard’s flagship team! LOL. I am a sad sad person…..No seriously, with my Literature Degree and my minor in Journalism I hope to get a job starting out at a newspaper or magazine. Eventually I want to work with a book-publishing house as an editor/publisher. I want to be the person authors send their manuscripts to and I get to read all the novels and edit them and help them get published. I want to work specifically in Teen Fiction or Young Adult Ficton with a focus on Young Adult Fantasy/Sci-Fi. THAT would be a dream job! Sadly, that means moving to either Chicago, New York, or London as all the BIG publishing houses are located there. That’s why I need to work at a paper or magazine somewhere in the NW first to save money for a big move across country and be able to get more experience as a writer/editor. If I like journalism I may stick with it, but right now my dream job would be to work with a publishing house like Random House.

27. Do you want to be famous? 
     HELL NO! All those people getting up in your Kool-aid all the freaking time is sooooo not worth it! I am a loud and vocal person but I like to live quietly really. I don’t like a lot of attention on ME. I usually am loud and vocal because I’m trying to get people to laugh, relax and have fun, not because I want attention. In fact, if you actually LISTEN to me, I usually am talking about anything but me!

28. If you could become a character in a TV show or movie, who would you chose to be? 
     I think I already answered this one before, but if I was to actual BE that specific character it would depend on the show/movie. I guess I’ll just list the characters from my big fandoms, although if you see a boy listed I mean I want to be that person, but a girl!
Stargate SG-1: Dr. Daniel Jackson

Stargate Atlantis: too hard! John Sheppard or Dr. Rodney McKay….probably Sheppard cuz Rodney is a little squishy and I would rather be fit and badass who happens to be a genius (Sheppard DID pass the MENSA test after all) than a socially-retarded Astro-physic that is squishy. Even though Rodney is TOTALLY ADORABLE!!! I SOOOOO want to hug and cuddle that man! <3 <3 <3

Firefly: Kaylee!

Buffy: hmm…probably Willow pre-lesbian.

Angel: (yes I know it’s the same universe as Buffy but there are different characters!) Fred (that’s a girl for those who don’t know)

Harry Potter: Hermione Granger….but less bitchy and stuck up…she does get to be with Ron in the end and he’s sooooo freaking cute! Not to mention a pretty damn powerful wizard to be able to keep up with Genius!Hermione and SuperPowerful!Harry.

Twilight: (SHUT UP! I love Twilight!) Bella for sure. Edward AND Jacob!?!!? That’s just totally not fair! I mean I love Jasper because he is WAY badass and sooo freaking hot! Well at least in the movie he’s hot and he’s more badass in the books, but anyway….2 guys for 1 chick HELL YES!

29. What is your favorite holiday?
     CHRISTMAS!!! I love shopping! The problem is I usually spend and do WAY too much for people! But I love shopping for other people. I love giving presents and baking sweets and I love the weather and everyone is happy and and and…. GAHHHHH getting to excited here.

30. If you had to spend a day not using any technology, what would you do?
     Read a book or three…or six…my record is 8 all over 250 pages…again I am a sad sad person.

31. If you could be a cartoon character, who would you want to be? 
     Well first off I am not going to even talk about Anime because it says “cartoon” and there is a difference between “cartoon” and Anime. As for Cartoon, hmmmm I dunno that’s hard! Probably Belle from "Beauty and the Beast," the Disney version. She’s pretty, got the really buff handsome prince (see end of movie ppl!) and that HUGE ASS LIBRARY!!!! I mean I would be her just for the books!

32. Do you know how you got your name?
     Depends on who you ask. Ask my mom and she says she thought it was pretty. Ask my dad’s mom Grandma Mary and she says I was named after my Grandma Callista’s best friend. Grandma Callista is Mary’s mother. Grandma Mary says if she was ever going to have a daughter she was going to name it after her mom, Callista, but that Grandma Callista told her that her name was horrible and to name the girl after he best friend. Mom says she never heard that story and didn’t know that, but Grandma says I was going to be named after both Great Grandma’s since my middle name June is the same middle name as my Dad’s-Dad’s-Mom Bertie June. So Mom says random pretty name, Grandma says kinda/sorta named after my other Great Grandma from that side of the family. Do I need to mention that my Grandma Mary hates my Mom and my Mom hates my Grandma?

33. Apple Juice or Orange Juice?
     GRAPE! Way better :D But Orange if it’s to go with breakfast.

34. Are you morning or night person?
     Night! I like things quiet. That may change when I get my own place, but at night it feels like I have the house to myself and I can do what I want without interruptions.

35. Which do you, prefer, sweet or salty foods? 
     Used to be sweet before Hypersomnia, now it’s salty!

36. Ninjas or Pirates? 
     BOTH :D When I as a little kid we always played Pirates because we had bunk beds that were our “ships” and mom used to make us treasure chests full of “booty” and little treasure maps. We used to watch Pirate movies all the time especially “The Goonies” and “Cutthroat Island.” I even watched the old black and white version of “Blackbeard’s Ghost” and various different versions of “Treasure Island.” But Ninja’s are super cool and my cat is named Ninjas so it’s impossible to pick between the two.

37. Autobots or Decepticons? 
     Autobots!!!! Bumblebee is the SHIT!

38. What was your favorite TV show as a kid?
     "Reading Rainbow," "Little Mermaid" the TV show, "Loony Toons," "Tiny Toons," "Eureka’s Castle," "Gummy Bears," "Care Bears," "Duck Tales," "Tailspin," "David the Gnome," and way too many more to list.

39. Do you collect anything? 
Really old books, pretty gold-inlaid hard covers of classic literature (see Barnes and Noble Collectors Series), Panda stuff, and Hello Kitty stuff. I also had always wanted to collect those really expensive fancy Disney snow globes. I finally got one last year so now I have a collection of one! LOL. I also have been collecting pieces of things I will need for when I get my own place. When I graduated from high school I went and registered for a “wedding” at Target and went around the store with the scanner gun and scanned a bunch of kitchen stuff and things you need for your own place like lamps, laundry baskets and stuff. I got a huge pink laundry basket full of cooking and kitchen stuff from my mom’s friend. I also have bought glasses, dishes, and silverware when I find nice one’s I like on sale. I have a couple boxes in the attic full of brand new stuff for my future place. I also asked my Mom when she goes back to Disneyland with my brother in August to see if they have any really cool Pirate office stuff. My dream is to have a big library/office done in all old world stuff. I want those big floor-to-ceiling dark wood bookshelves all along a wall (maybe two) and a huge dark wood executive desk and cushy chair. I want an old globe or one of those drink/bar globes! Even though I don’t drink it would be cool. And I want dark floors, wall and curtains. I want it all to be Pirate themed. Basically I want it too look like library/den that could also be a Pirate Captain’s office with old maps framed on the walls and everything.

40. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? 
     Like X-Men where you only get one? Or like Superman where you get a couple? I’m assuming since the question says “superpower” not “superpowers” that you mean like X-Men. Hmm…Well probably Telekinesis like Jane then.

41. What is your favorite color?
     HOT PINK!

42. What is your favorite animal?
     Panda Bears!

43. Do you believe in extraterrestrials or life on another planet? 
     DUH! Yes. I do. And my reason is very simple. The universe is HUGE, beyond our human minds can picture huge. There is no way that we are alone in all that space. If you know anything about Astronomy and our Solar System than you know that it is located in a very difficult part of space to get to. I do believe that there are other living beings on other planets and they could be either less advanced than us, same technological advancement, or further advanced than us. They could be humanoid or they could be something completely different. I know however that they have never been to Earth, and probably will never want to come to Earth. Again, we are very difficult to get to safely, and two and species that has technology to have interstellar travel would have the ability to pick up any and all of our radio waves and waves whether they be military or civilian. One look at our messed up, war-torn, corrupt world and they would turn around. Hell one look at our TV shows and they would turn around! I mean "Jersey Shore?" Really people?

44. Do you believe in ghosts?
     I believe that Ghosts are entirely possible and that some Spirits may linger on this Earth and are able to impact this plane of existence or try and communicate with us. However, I do think that 99% of the people who claim to have seen or heard a ghost are full of shit.

45. Do you have any bad habits? 
     I chew on my nails and rip hangnails. Don’t ever look at my fingers too closely; I am all scabbed and gross.

46. Do you have any celebrity crushes? 
     WAY too many to count! LOL. My big ones right now are Johnny Depp, Robert Pattinson (although I’m not an insane scary fan, I do think he’s hot. Especially with his disheveled hair!), Leonardo DiCaprio, Joe Flannigan, Michael Shanks, Alex O’Loughlin, Scott Caan, Daniel Dae Kim, Matt Smith, Arthur Darvill, Nathan Fallon, Ben Browder, Rupert Grit, and Tom Felton. Men that I would totally throw myself at if gotten the chance even though they are now old: Gary Oldman and Alan Rickman. Gary Oldman was SOOO hot when he was younger! Especially during the mid-90s! Alan Rickman’s nose is too big to ever classify him as “hot” but he is good looking and his voice….OMG that’s enough to make him shaggable right there! That was probably more than you wanted to know…Boundaries Belle, Boundaries!

47. List 1 thing you would change about yourself?
     My tact. I need more. I am too abrupt sometimes.

48. Any tattoos or piercings?
     Just my ears, 1 piercing in each. I love tattoo art and think they are beautiful on the right person when they are newer. But I could never get one not because of needles, but because I would never be able to make up my mind over what to get. That and any weight you lose or gain will stretch the tattoo weird, the color fades over time, and when you get wrinkly the tattoo get’s blurry. I love tattoo art, but until there is a way to make tattoos stay looking like they do after you’ve gotten them and the redness has all gone away, I will not be getting one.

49. What’s the first thing you notice in the opposite sex? 
     Face: eyes and hair mostly. I have a thing about good eyes and great hair. I want enough hair to run my fingers through. After that it’s all about the biceps, pecks, abs, and butt. :D I like my men lean and mean baby! Although I don’t mind some pudginess and roundness either because that makes them adorable and cuddly ^_^ I love to cuddle! If they have a great personality, sense of humor and are willing to treat me like a princess with great hair and eyes I’m pretty much sold.

50. What personality traits do you look for in a partner?
     Fun, intelligent, polite, loyal, protective, great sense of humor, adventuresome, passionate (get your minds out of the gutter people, I mean about goals and ambitions and that kind of thing), hard-working, living, kind, generous, sweet…. you know basically what every woman looks for in a man.

51. List 5 goals on your life’s to-do list: 
     1. Touch a pyramid.
     2. Learn to drive a manual transmission.
     3. Learn to swing dance.
     4. Write a children’s book.
     5. Learn to play guitar.

52. Name 1 thing you miss about being a kid: 
     Getting to play outside all the time. I miss playgrounds and riding bikes and not worrying about doing something because I might get hurt. I used to be a daredevil. I would throw myself around, climb things, do anything and never stop and think “I could fall and this could happen..” or “this could hurt.” Now I don’t like to jump down from too high of a place because I might hurt my angle or something else stupid. Self-preservation is good, but somewhere along the way (probably when I became addicted to video games instead of playing outside all the time) I became a wus about some things because “that would hurt!”

53. Name 1 thing you love being an adult:
     Doing what I want, when I want.

54. What’s your favorite song at the moment? 
     Hmm…right now I’m obsessed with “Break Even (Falling to Pieces)” by The Script. I love Alternative music the most out of everything.

55. What is your favorite song of all time? 
     I honestly cannot answer this question. I listen too way too much music and way too many different genres to even begin to try and pick something. What mood I am in, what I am thinking about and what I am doing/where I am determines what song I like the most at any given moment.

56. What’s your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night? 
     Write and listen to music.

57. What’s your favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon? 
     Read or clean. Which by clean I mean organize things.

58. Do you have any hidden talents? 
I can decorate cakes with professional tips and techniques. I love to bake and decorate cakes, cupcakes, and sugar cookies.

59. What is your favorite book? 
     Again this is too hard for me to answer. I love classic literature like Les Miserables, Poe, Jonathan Swift, Mark Twain, Oliver Twist and all Charles Dickens, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Homer, and Jules Verne. I love fantasy and sci-fi like Tamora Pierce, Rick Riordan, Harry Potter, Inkheart series, Twilight, Cassandra Clare, Hunger Games series, Narnia, the Discworld books and more.

60. Would you rather have 100 million dollars or true love?
     True love

61. Name 1 thing not many people know about you: 
     I love music, and love to sing but I am actually tone deaf. I have hearing loss in both ears from too many ear infections to count. I also have inner-ear balance problems for the same reason. I had my first ear infection when I was only a few months old. I used to get them several times a year, every year. When I was 12-13 I finally was told to see an Ear Specialist where they tested my hearing for the 4th time and said I was fine again. When I was 16 I was back at the Ear Specialist and they tested my hearing again. This time I had some loss of hearing, as well as sensitivity to some higher pitches. That specialist said I should have had tubes put in my ears as a little child but that by then I was too old to have the surgery. I still get ear infections and if it is windy outside I have to wear a hood or I will get an infection. I have had so many in my life that several times as a teenager/young adult I have thought I had one and gone to see the doctor only for the doctor to say I am fine. 2 days later sure enough, I am back at the doctors and I have a massive ear infection. I essentially am able to know by what my ear’s feel like and the pain whether or not I have an ear infection before the doctor is even able to see it.

62. If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to? 
     I would change it to something more trendy and cool probably. Something that could have a good shortened nickname come from it that would sound really cute or hip. But I don’t know what that would be.

63. Do you believe in the afterlife?
     Yes for sure. Heaven and Hell both.

64. Name your absolute favorite summer beverage?
     Coca-Cola. There is nothing better on a hot summer afternoon than a huge class of ice and Coke. It’s heaven.

65. What’s the most enjoyable hour of your typical weekday?
     Any hour spent in the office!

66. If you could live forever, would you? Why or why not?
     No. I would not unless all my loved ones could also live forever. I would never want to outlive everyone and be alone just to be alive forever. As for “I want to see what happens in the future” as I said in question 63, I think you can watch the world and your loved ones from Heaven.


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About This Madness

Welcome to Babbling Belle and Her Marauding Muses! I'm Babbling Belle and my Muses Marauder...
I am full of contradictions, random thoughts that often border on philosophical, and a very corny sense of humor. This blog will be a compilation of all my randomness.
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